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Fun with Korean Folk Dance by Pia DeVries


Today we had one of my favorite experiences with professor Myron-Ja Hwang. She taught us how to dance traditional folk dance with a small drum called “sogo”. What fun! The dance tells a story of planting rice first on your own field and then together with your neighbor and other villagers and ends in a prayer for a good harvest. She made it easy for us to remember by telling what each part represented. Now- some of us can dance and some struggled with the previous K-pop dance class and had to sit down, but I think I can speak for everyone that this lesson was FUN with capital letters and we all felt like we could complete the dance. Just watching the videos uploaded into our WhatsApp group makes me smile and giggle.

After some refreshments we got to try the fans that are used in the dance called “Buchaechum”. That was much more challenging and I personally was relieved that she only showed us how to form the various size flowers and did not try to make us actually dance with the fans. David did, however, make a beautiful butterfly if I may say so. Since we have not gotten the pictures of our oh so beautiful attempt of the big flower I took the liberty of inserting a couple of links. The first one talks about the dance and has a nice image of the big flower and talks about it. (open with safari)

And here is a video of what the dance would look like. (Open with YouTube)

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